Altina Schinasi Meaning In English

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Altina Schinasi was born on August 4, 1907 and died on August 19, 1999. Aldina Shinashi is an American sculptor, filmmaker, entrepreneur, window dressing designer and inventor. He is best known for designing the Harlequin eyeglass frame, popularly known as cat-eye glasses.


On August 4, 2023, her 116-th birthday, Google honored her with a Google Doodle. This tribute marks her lasting impact on art, film and fashion.

Altina Shinashi's cat-eye design continues to influence fashion accessory trends worldwide. Happy birthday to a visionary woman in more ways than one! Google said in a blog post.


Today (August 4, 2023), Google is celebrating the 116th birthday of American designer Altina Tina Shinashi, who is best known for designing the Cat-Eye eyeglass frame.