Aralia Plant Meaning In English

Aralia Plant translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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Aralia or Spikenard, is a genus of the family Aralicease. The leaves of the Arabia plant are lanceolate, rounded or lacy. These leaves are white, green, cream and golden in color, grown for its decorative evergreen foliage.


Aralia Plant Uses:

The Aralia Plant has a long medicinal history and is widely used in the treatment of various diseases such as hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, wounds, lumps and carbuncles.

Benefits of Aralia Plant: 

The Aralia Plant has anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the burning sensation and pain caused by inflammation in the body.



Aralia plant are easy to grow if you have enough light in your home or your office.