Crease Meaning In English

Crease translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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To laugh or smile broadly


A crease is a line produced by folding or doubling any pliable material such as paper, cloth, metal sheets, etc. 

It refers to the depression made when something is folded.

Example: There was a crease in his trousers from where he had folded them.

This usage refers to the creasing or crinkling of the skin around the eyes and mouth when someone smiles or laughs. 

For example, "That joke made me crease up laughing."

To collapse from laughter: If something is very funny, it may cause someone to double over or collapse in a fit of laughter.

If someone is very pleased, enthusiastic, or impressed by something, slang uses of "crease" suggest this feeling. For example, "When Beyoncé came on stage, I was totally creased!"


"The way he impersonated our teacher made me crease!"