Cyberbullying Meaning In English

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Cyberbullying is a form of harassment or aggression that takes place over digital platforms, such as social media, messaging apps, online forums, or email.


It involves using electronic communication tools to deliberately intimidate, threaten, humiliate, or harm someone else.

Cyberbullying can be directed towards individuals, groups, or even organizations.

Examples of cyberbullying behavior include sending hurtful or offensive messages, spreading rumors or false information about someone, sharing private or embarrassing content without consent, impersonating someone to damage their reputation, or using derogatory language online to attack and belittle others.

Victims of cyberbullying may experience emotional distress, anxiety, depression, or even contemplate self-harm as a result of the relentless online harassment.


Social media has enabled a new, toxic form of cyberbullying where teens anonymously attack each other online.