Doe eyes Meaning In English

Doe eyes translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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Eyes which look like a doe (female deer)


"Doe eyes" is a phrase used to describe a particular appearance or expression in someone's eyes. 

It refers to eyes that resemble those of a doe, which is a female deer. 

Doe eyes are often associated with a certain look of innocence, gentleness, or vulnerability.

The term is typically used to describe eyes that are large, wide, and expressive, with long lashes and a soft, gentle gaze.

People with doe eyes are often said to have an innocent or childlike quality to their appearance. 

The term can be used to describe both the shape and expression of the eyes.

It is often considered an attractive feature and is frequently used in literature, poetry, and romantic descriptions to convey a sense of innocence, beauty, and a delicate nature.


She looked up at him with her doe eyes