Ediga Caste Meaning In English

Ediga Caste translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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Ediga or Idiga is a Hindu community of people concentrated in south central areas of Karnataka. Their main profession were toddy tapping, brewing arrack etc., but now few people do their traditional job. It is one of the progressive communities of Karnataka. They also worked as farmers, traders, and artists. The Ediga are well-known for their business abilities. They have made major contributions to the economies of Karnataka, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh.


1. The Ediga is widely accepted to have come from Sri Lanka. It is believed that they arrived in India sometime around the 10th century CE.

2. The Ediga are an honorable and courageous people. They've had to overcome a lot of obstacles during every phase of their history.