Frizzy hair Meaning In English

Frizzy hair translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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Frizzy Hair is where the hair sticks out or curls unexpectedly in multiple directions, resulting in an uneven and irregular texture that does not match the natural direction, shape or style of the hair. Genetics, hair damage and humidity are the three main causes of frizz.


Causes of Frizzy Hair:

1. Using hot water to wash hair. Using hot water while washing your hair may sound tempting, but it is one of the main causes of hair loss.

2. Using heat styling tools.

3. Washing hair daily.

4. Avoid conditioner.

5. Not applying oil on the head regularly.

6. Drying hair with harsh products.


You can control your frizzy hair by massaging your hair with warm herbal oils like oil and olive oil, mayonnaise.