Gardening Leave Meaning In English

Gardening Leave translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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Garden leave, also known as gardening leave, is a period of time during which an employee is required to stay away from work, typically after resigning or being terminated.



During garden leave, an employee is entitled to receive their regular income and benefits. However, depending on the terms of their employment contract, they may not be eligible for bonuses or lump sum payments. The employee will continue to receive their pay and benefits until the end of the garden leave period.


The phrase ‘gardening leave’ originated in the British Civil Service, where employees could request special leave in certain situations. This was often used when an employee was under investigation for their conduct and was officially suspended from work. 


During this time, they were still employed by the company, hence the term "gardening leave" was coined. The purpose of this practice is to prevent employees from taking important and/or confidential information with them when they leave the company, especially when they are joining a competitor.


My boyfriend accepted a new work offer from a Canadian company while on gardening leave.