Gokulashtami Meaning In English

Gokulashtami translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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Gokulashtami, also known as Krishna Janmashtami, is a Hindu holiday celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna, who is revered as one of Hinduism's most important deities. The word Gokulashtami comes from the Sanskrit terms Gokula, meaning the village where Krishna was born, and Ashtami, meaning the eighth day of the lunar fortnight.


Gokulashtami is a Hindu festival celebrated by followers with a wide range of spiritual and cultural events. Some of these rituals include fasting from food, singing devotional songs (bhajans), dancing (Raas Leela), and acting out events from Krishna's early life, especially his famous butter steal.



The event is enthusiastically celebrated by millions of Hindus in India and other Hindu-majority countries.