Good call Meaning In English

Good call translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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"good call" is a positive and supportive way to recognize someone's decision-making skills or actions.


The phrase "good call" is an expression used to acknowledge or recognize someone's decision, judgment, or action as being correct or wise.

It signifies approval or agreement with the decision made by someone, typically in a particular situation or context.

"Good call" is often used in informal conversations or casual settings to commend someone for making the right choice or taking appropriate action.

It can also be used when someone makes a correct or smart decision in a challenging or critical moment.

It is used to praise someone for making a wise decision or taking appropriate action in a particular situation.


wrong , bad


correct , good


John decided to take the alternate route to avoid traffic, and it turned out to be much faster. Good call, John!