Ibid Meaning In English

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In simple terms, "ibid" is a shorthand way of saying "in the same place."


"Ibid" is an abbreviation of the Latin word "ibidem," which translates to "in the same place."

It is commonly used in academic or scholarly writing as a citation reference to indicate that the source being cited is the same as the one immediately referenced in the previous citation.

It is used in writing to refer to a source that was previously mentioned in the same document or text. 

It helps avoid repeating the full citation by indicating that the current reference is from the same source as the one mentioned immediately before it.

However, it is important to note that the use of "ibid" is less common in modern citation styles

Instead of repeating the full citation, the author can use "ibid" to indicate that the new citation comes from the same source as the previous one.


The concept of artificial intelligence was discussed in detail in Smith's book, and further insights can be found in ibid, specifically on pages 45-50.