Melon Seeds Meaning In English

Melon Seeds translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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Melon seeds are edible dry seeds extracted from Melon fruit. Melon seeds are a grayish white hard shell with a white inner kernel which is smooth and oval in shape.


Uses of Melon Seeds:

1). Melon seeds are used to make delicious sweets and snacks.

2). They can be added to traditional halwas and fruit fudges to enhance the flavor.

3). Melon seeds can also be used as a mouth freshener when mixed with nuts and spices.

4). Melon seeds paste is added to spicy meat dishes to thicken its consistency.

Benefits of Melon Seeds:

Melon seeds contain proteins (essential amino acids), vitamins (folate, thiamin and niacin, vitamin B6 & pantothenic acid), minerals (magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus & manganese) and fatty acids.



Melon seeds contain about half oil, 10% carb, 4% trash, 30% protein and 3% fiber.