Messed up Meaning In English

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messed up" is a versatile phrase that can describe disorder, unfortunate circumstances, or moral wrongdoing, depending on the specific context in which it is used.


When something is described as "messed up," it means that it is disorganized, in a state of confusion, or not functioning properly. 

For example, a messy room or a tangled-up pile of wires can be considered "messed up."

"Messed up" can also describe situations that are unfortunate, unfair, or not going as planned. It implies that something has gone wrong or that there is an undesirable outcome.

For instance, if someone's travel plans get canceled at the last minute, they might say, "It's so messed up that my trip got canceled."


"After the party last night, the house was completely messed up with empty bottles and food wrappers scattered everywhere."