Motor Neurone Disease Meaning In English

Motor Neurone Disease translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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Motor Neurone Disease (MND) affects nerves called motor neurons. These nerves are found in the brain and spinal cord, and they help tell your muscles what to do. MND affects the nerves that control movement so muscles don't work.


Symptoms of Motor Neurone Disease (MND):

1). Clumsiness, stumbling.

2). Fatigue.

3). Muscle pain, cramps, twitching.

4). Muscle wasting, weight loss.

5). Slurred speech, difficulty swallowing or chewing.

6). Weakness or changes in hands, arms, legs and voice.

7). Respiratory changes.

8). Cognitive change.

Causes of Motor Neurone Disease (MND):

1). Nerve growth factors.

2). Development, repair and aging of motor neurons.

3). Exposure to viruses.

4). Genetic factors.

5). Inflammation and damage to neurons caused by the immune system's response.


Motor neurone disease mainly affects people in their 60s and 70s, but it can affect people of all ages.