Mutton Chusta Meaning In English

Mutton Chusta translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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The Hindi term Mutton Chusta literally means sucked mutton in English. Mutton is cooked in a delicious stew or sauce until it is tender and luscious in this Indian meal. To improve the flavor and texture, the mutton is cooked slowly or simmered with a variety of spices and herbs.


1. The flavor of mutton chusta is subtle, touching on sweet and savory. Like beef tripe, it has a chewy feel. Protein and other nutrients are abundant in mutton chusta.

2. Mutton chusta is a versatile meat that lends itself to many different preparations. It is commonly found in dishes including kebabs, stews, and curries. It is also great grilled or prepared in a quick and easy stir-fry


Mutton chust is great, if grilled or prepared in a quick and easy stir-fry.