Nagula Chavithi 2023 Meaning In English

Nagula Chavithi 2023 translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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Nagula Chavithi is a festival dedicated to the worship of Nag Devtas and is mainly a women's festival. Nagula Chavithi is observed by married women for the welfare of their children. During the Nagula Chavithi festival, women fast and perform Naga Puja. Nagula Chavithi is celebrated on the fourth day after Diwali in the month of Kartik.


Celebrating Nagula Chavithi is to seek the blessings of Nag Devtas and Lord Shiva and protect their children. Married women perform pooja on Nagula Chavithi to appease snakes so that they do not harm their children.


This year Nagula Chavithi is celebrated on Friday 17th November 2023 and Nagula Chavithi Pooja Mukurtam - 10:46 am to 11:03 am.