OTB Notice Meaning In English

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The Ontario Trillium Benefit is a tax credit program run by the government of Ontario to help low-income individuals and families. An OTB notice is a letter delivered to persons who qualify for the OTB. The Ontario Tax Benefit (OTB) is a tax credit offered to low- and middle-income individuals in Ontario. Payment amounts and expected times for delivery will be specified in the OTB notice.


1. The Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) is a refundable tax credit program funded by the government of Ontario and managed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

2. Individuals and families must submit their tax returns to the CRA each year in order to be considered for and receive the Ontario Trillium Benefit.


Individuals can choose to receive their Ontario Trillium Benefit either on a monthly basis or in a lump sum, depending on their needs and preferences.