Panch Pran Meaning In English

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The Sanskrit term Panch Pran has its roots in Indian philosophy. The direct translation into English would be Five Vital Airs or Five Vital Breaths. According to several traditional Indian philosophical systems, these are the essential life-sustaining energy that operates within the body.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi presented the Panch Pran (Five Resolves) in his 2022 Independence Day speech. They are meant to help India become an advanced and prosperous developed nation by 2047, the country's centenary of independence.

The five Panch Pran are:

1. A resolve of developed India

2. Removing any trace of the colonial mindset

3. Taking pride in our legacy

4. Our strength of unity

5. Fulfilling the duties of citizens with honesty


The fundamental life-sustaining Panch Pran forces are Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana