Phool Makhana Meaning In English

Phool Makhana translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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The word Makhana in English is commonly referred to as Fox Nuts or Gorgon nuts. Phool Makhana is called lotus seeds, Gorgon nut, Euryale Ferox. Phool Makhana means the seed of plants in the Nelumbo nucifera species. The seeds are used in Asian cuisine and traditional medicine.


Phool Makhana are round oval shaped seeds lined inside a dark green lotus seed head. They are green when fresh and turn creamy yellow when dried. Its shell is removable while being slightly harder. They serve as a healthy alternative to popcorn, not only because of their crunchy texture, but also because of the health benefits they provide.



Phool Makhana helps you reduce pain, control weight and lower blood sugar levels.