SPLE meaning PRC Meaning In English

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The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) in the Philippines conducts the Special Professional Licensure Examination (SPLE). It is made for Filipino professionals who want to get a professional license in their particular disciplines but are currently working or living overseas.


1. In order to help Filipino professionals who are unable to fly back to the Philippines to take the regular licensing exams, the SPLE is often held in several nations outside of the Philippines.

2. Candidates can prove their competence and meet the requirements for a professional license without having to go back to the Philippines.

3. Depending on the profession and the rules established by the PRC, different SPLE techniques and requirements exist.

4. For accurate and current information regarding the SPLE in their specific field, those interested can visit the PRC website or get in touch with the PRC directly.


If you are a Filipino citizen who has received your professional education outside of the Philippines and are interested in obtaining a license to practice in the Philippines, the SPLE is a great option for you.