TM Meaning In English

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Trademark symbol


  • The trademark symbol "™" is used to show that a phrase, word, logo, or symbol is being claimed as a trademark.
  • It indicates that someone considers it their unique brand identifier.
  • It does not necessarily mean that the trademark is registered, but it shows an intention to claim ownership.
  • It provides stronger legal protection and indicates that the trademark is legally recognized.
  • Once a trademark is registered, the symbol changes to "®" to show it is a legally registered trademark.
  • It is commonly used before a trademark has been officially registered with the appropriate authorities.

"I love drinking my favorite soda, SuperFizz™, because it has a unique flavor that sets it apart from other beverages."

 In this sentence, "SuperFizz™" is indicated as a claimed trademark by using the "TM" symbol.

Trademark symbol in simple words: It is used when the particular word or symbol is going to be used as a brand identifier before it is registered legally.


I love drinking my favorite soda, SuperFizz™