TMO Meaning In English

TMO translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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Tomorrow / Turn Me on / Take Me Out


  • "TMO" might be an abbreviation for "Tomorrow" in some contexts. 
  1. It is commonly used in written communication, particularly in text messages or informal chats, to indicate a plan or event scheduled for the following day.
  2.  Example: "Let's meet up for lunch at the usual spot, TMO." 
  3.  In this example, "TMO" is a shorthand way of saying "tomorrow."

  • "TMO" could stand for "Take Me Out."

  1.  It is often used as a request or expression to ask someone to accompany or join you in a social activity or event.
  2.  Example: "Hey, there's a concert tonight. TMO?"
  3.  In this example, "TMO" is a casual way of asking if the person would like to go to the concert with you.
  • "TMO" can stand for "Turn Me On."

  1.  In informal conversations, particularly in a romantic or flirtatious context, "TMO" is used as an abbreviation to express interest in or attraction to someone.
  2.  Example: "You always make me smile. TMO!"


"Let's meet up for lunch at the usual spot, TMO."