Khubani Meaning In English

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Khubani is known as Apricot in English, also known as stone apple, it belongs to the genus Prunus and is widely consumed all over the world. Apricots are believed to have first appeared in Jammu & Kashmir around 300 BC. Khubani fruit is a drupe similar to a small peach, 1.5–2.5 cm diameter.


Khubani are small, golden orange fruits from the Rosaceae family of fruit trees. It consists of a centrally located single seed surrounded by a crunchy aromatic edible flesh. Khubani have velvety skin and flesh. These fruits are not very fleshy. The seed is also edible and resembles almonds in taste and appearance. Khubani fruit contains vitamin A, beta-carotene and other carotenoids, and are excellent for improving eye health.



Since khubani (apricot) are naturally sweet and chewy, they are often eaten as an after-dinner dessert.