மொழிபெயர் (Molipeyar) Meaning In English

மொழிபெயர் (Molipeyar) translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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மொழிபெயர் is a Tamil term that translates to Translation in English. மொழிபெயர் (Translation) is the act of expressing the meaning of one language into another, whether through written words or spoken speech.


1. The translation (மொழிபெயர்) guide helped me understand what the term means.

2. After moving to a new state and going into grocery stores, I had difficulty understanding the shopkeeper, so I used Google Translate (மொழிபெயர்)


The translation (மொழிபெயர்) tool helped me in translating the cooking tutorial video.