सदा शिवम् भजाम्यहम् Meaning In English

सदा शिवम् भजाम्यहम् translation, meaning, definition, explanation and examples of relevant words and pictures - you can read here.

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The phrase Sadashivam Bhajamyaham is written in Sanskrit and is often used in devotional songs and chants from Hinduism. It is a word that is used in the worship of Lord Shiva, who is considered to be one of the most important deities in Hinduism.


1. The term Sadashivam, which means Lord Shiva, comes from two words: sada, which means always or eternal, and Shivam, which is another name for Shiva. bhajamyaham may be translated as I worship or I adore.

2. As Lord Shiva is eternal, Sadashivam Bhajamyaham might be translated as I adore the eternal Lord Shiva or I worship him always.



Sada Shivam Bhajamyaham is a mantra that may be said during meditation to express devotion to Shiva as the supreme source of good fortune and vitality.