Sengol Meaning In English

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Sengol comes from the Tamil word Semmai, which means righteous, and kol meaning sceptre. The sceptre is one of the symbols of royal insignia. The sceptre is like the king crown and throne. The sceptre was to ensure that the king rule was fair and impartial. Whenever the king wins a battle, a spectre is seen in his hand.


The first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was given a ceremonial sceptre called sengol in August 1947 to mark the transfer of power from the British to India. It was then kept in the Nehru Gallery of the Allahabad Museum. Henceforth, the golden sceptre will be housed in the new Parliament building.



Amit Shah explained that the sengol (sceptre) of Tamil Nadu will be placed in the new parliament building.