Acquaintance Meaning In English

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Acquaintances are people whom you know and are familiar with, but you do not have a close or intimate relationship with them.


They are individuals you have met or interacted with on some level, but your interactions are usually casual and limited in nature.

Acquaintances can include colleagues, classmates, neighbors, or people you meet through social events or common interests.

These individuals are more than strangers or casual acquaintances, as you have some level of familiarity with them, but you do not share a deep or personal connection.

Acquaintances might include people you've met through work, school, social events, or other activities, and you may interact with them occasionally or in specific contexts. 

While you might know some basic information about them, your relationship is typically less involved and less emotional compared to close friends or family members.


I bumped into one of my acquaintances from college at the grocery store yesterday.